[dev] Ansel nits

Michael Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Mon Jun 9 14:43:07 UTC 2008

Quoting "Chuck Hagenbuch" <chuck at horde.org>:

> Deleting images from the gallery view is broken, at least in firefox -
> document.forms... is not defined

k. I'll dig.

> And why are the cells in the gallery layout center aligned? It feels
> really weird for neither the captions or the top of the thumbs to line
> up.

To my eyes, it looks 100% better like this.  I started playing with  
the layout for a few reasons:

1) with images of varying sizes, it looked really bad to me that the  
caption bottoms were not on the same horizontal plane. I attempted to  
force them to the bottom of the div/table cell while keeping the  
thumbs top aligned by could not get it to work...so I looked around at  
other gallery implementations to see how they handled it.  I  
especially liked how Gallery2's gallery view looked, with each Tile  
being center aligned. They also have a (configurable) background color  
in the tile (with the page's background showing thorugh as a border)  
which, to me really helped the page look more aligned visually.  To  
me, I think it's a matter of having a nice, clean, vertical alignment  
that keeps the gallery looking aligned, even if the horizontal  
alignment can't be kept because of varying image sizes.

2) The other reason was that it helped the entire gallery view look  
more centered in the page. With the Tiles left aligned, the right side  
of the view area ends up having more space in it then the left side  
and, to me, made the gallery viewing area look off center.

If you are dead set against it, what about making the tile alignment a  
style-provided parameter?  I already want to allow styles to be able  
to load their own style sheets for greater control...


The Horde Project (www.horde.org)
mrubinsk at horde.org

"Time just hates me. That's why it made me an adult." - Josh Joplin
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