[dev] Split read/write database

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Wed Jul 2 15:31:44 UTC 2008

Quoting Michael Menge <michael.menge at zdv.uni-tuebingen.de>:

> we want to use split read/write database with postgres. At the moment
> the splitread option is only available for MySQL.
> Is there a reason that this is not supported for Postgres?

Probably just that it wasn't possible for postgres itself before.  
There is nothing in Horde that cares which db the split read/write  
setup is for. A patch for adding the appropriate postgres config would  
be great.

> We use unix sockets to acces the the database. As far as i  
> understand the configuration for mysql it is only possible to use  
> unix sockets for the write database but not for the read. Is there a  
> reason for this?

Sounds like a bug. Can you send a patch or at least create a ticket on  


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