[dev] horde/scripts/alarms.php

Didi Rieder adrieder at sbox.tugraz.at
Thu Jul 10 20:57:06 UTC 2008

Quoting Matt Selsky <selsky at columbia.edu>:

>>> Likely we need to call MDB2's free() on our prepared statements. And we
>>> may need to call freePrepared() on the DB prepared statements.
>> It seems so....
> Please try the attached patch.

This works now, its still a lot of queries but they get closed now.

mysql> SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE 'Com_stmt_%';
| Variable_name           | Value  |
| Com_stmt_close          | 59598  |
| Com_stmt_execute        | 101910 |
| Com_stmt_fetch          | 0      |
| Com_stmt_prepare        | 101910 |
| Com_stmt_reset          | 0      |
| Com_stmt_send_long_data | 0      |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)

There might be other places too, where the prepared statements don't  
get freed.

I noticed that the alarms do not get sent via the mailer config  
specified in conf.php
but rather over the local sendmail. I think this should be changed to.


Didi Rieder
adrieder at sbox.tugraz.at
PGPKey ID: 3431D0B0

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