[dev] [cvs] commit: kronolith/lib base.php

Michael Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Sun Jul 20 17:27:58 UTC 2008

Quoting Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org>:

> Zitat von Michael Rubinsky <mike at theupstairsroom.com>:
>> mrubinsk    2008-07-19 15:51:12 EDT
>>  Modified files:
>>    lib                  base.php
>>  Log:
>>  Don't attempt maintenance tasks if there is a url query parameter - which
>>  means we're probably being redirected somewhere from login.php - and it's
>>  possible that kronolith will be pushed on the stack when alarm notification
>>  is run, at which point headers might have already been sent.
> Can you elaborate on this?

Sure...although I've since committed a slightly different fix that  
catches some other cases as well. Without this patch, do the following:

1) Navigate directly to a horde app, such as turba or ansel, without  
being logged in...you will either  be shown a login screen or a guest  
restricted view.

2) Login.

3) After successfully logging in, you are redirected back to the  
application you attempted to view originally....at which point the  
notification code gets called (for example, in  
ansel/templates/menu.inc). The notifaction code then calls  
$this->_alarm->notify() which eventually loads Kronolith's  
base.php...and therefore attempts to run the maintenance tasks. The  
maintenance task requires user verification, so it tries to redirect  
to maintenance.php, but since headers are already sent, it fails.


The Horde Project (www.horde.org)
mrubinsk at horde.org

"Time just hates me. That's why it made me an adult." - Josh Joplin
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