[dev] mnemo inter-note linking

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Sun Aug 10 15:36:16 UTC 2008

Quoting Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org>:

> Zitat von Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck at horde.org>:
>> I'm thinking of implementing a limited version of the various  
>> "wiki-like linking" proposals that we've had. Specifically, in  
>> Mnemo, I'd look for [[text]] sequences, and replace them with a  
>> link to the note with the title "text". So if in a note on  
>> restaurants I wanted to link to a note on supermarkets, I could do:
>> They also sell their food at some [[supermarkets]].
>> What do folks think of this?
>> What about the same for Nag in task descriptions? By default I'd  
>> look for something in the same application when just using [[foo]],  
>> but perhaps we could settle on a syntax of [[tasks/foo]] or  
>> [[notes/foo]] for specific cross-app links?
> Kronolith shouldn't be kept out of the equation. But how do you want  
> to resolve ambiguous titles?

On the resulting page, showing a summarized list of matches instead of  
going directly to a resource.


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