[dev] Horde_Report

duck at obala.net duck at obala.net
Mon Feb 2 10:47:41 UTC 2009

Citiram Michael Rubinsky <mrubinsk at horde.org>:

> Quoting duck at obala.net:
>> Yes in a way fits, as it is about content. But its a working  
>> standalone lib, that should be installed along with framework.
> Content is planned to be installed as an autoload-able library like  
> the rest of the horde 4 libs.
>  And
>> configuration should go in main horde config.
> The configuration should be passed into the library from the client  
> code (probably as arguments to the constructor), not assumed that it  
> will present in some global configuration.

Of course feel free to change the name or reactor the parameter  
handling. Do I need to open a ticket for this?


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