[dev] removeUserData missing in IMP and Ingo

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Wed Feb 25 15:10:54 UTC 2009

Zitat von Michael Menge <michael.menge at zdv.uni-tuebingen.de>:

> Hi,
> I try to write a removeUserData script to remove all a userdata
> for all installed applications from the database using the
> removeUserData API. Testing my script it seams that Imp and Ingo
> don't implement this API. There are still entries from the user
> in the ingo_* and imp_sentmail tables
> Did i miss something, is this a bug, a not impelmented/missing feature or
> is there a reason not to implemet this API.

It simply hasn't been implemented yet.

> Is there an other way to remove the userdata for these applications
> other than to execute the sql-statements manually.

Yes, implement the removeUserData API method in those applications.


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