[dev] 2008 in numbers

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Mon Mar 2 16:26:22 UTC 2009

Here are some arbitrary statistics from 2008's web server log files:

- The Horde website has seen 1.2M visits, 4.8M page views and 20.8M  
hits. The top most countries are USA, Germany and France.

- The most popular pages are the start page, the download pages,  
/imp/, /projects.php, and /webmail/.

- 50% of the visitors were using Firefox, 35% IE, with 12% still using IE 6.

- Most referers are coming from Wikipedia's Horde and SyncML pages,  
and http://www.k5n.us/webcalendar.php?topic=Competitors

- The most popular search request was "horde webmail", the most  
popular requests not directly related to a horde application were  
"horde syncml", "horde themes", "horde download" and "horde demo".

- Users have downloaded 1.8 TB from the main FTP server.

- The most popular single download was horde-webmail-1.0.6.tar.gz.

- The most popular downloads are snaps, webmail (108k), horde (58k),  
imp (34k), patches, and groupware (19k).

- The wiki had 405k visits, 2.5M page views and 7.7M hits.

- mail.ru has a spider running amok, that sucked 470 MB during 67k  
requests from the wiki.

- The most popular wiki pages are the start page, the FAQ, and the HowTo page.

- The bug tracker had 1.4M page views, 34% are from the feeds on  

- The most popular tickets are 2782 (S/MIME signing using browser  
capabilities), 4267 (CalDAV Server Support) and 3877 (Mailbox list  
caching tracking bug).


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