[dev] [commits] Horde-Hatchery branch master updated. 32b8d7d18cb8987b1235005df6567d4d37e87950

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Tue Aug 4 20:06:25 UTC 2009

Quoting Michael M Slusarz <slusarz at horde.org>:

> Well, this is all hypothetical at this point since we don't yet need  
> a second upgrade script in IMP.  I'd still prefer to keep this all  
> in one file though.  It is much easier to understand what exactly  
> changed between versions and reduces a bunch of potential cruft in  
> the prefs - since for every ONCE tasks the class name needs to be  
> stored in the preferences.
> Would a reasonable solution for people running dev releases be a  
> script that would automatically run a given login task from the  
> command line?  Either that or we could set the interval to EVERY,  
> although we would have to remember to switch it back at release time.

My suggestion is more along the lines of: for each system task that  
needs to happen once per user, store the revision number of the system  
tasks in their preferences (instead of storing class names). So we  
start at revision 1. Each change gets a new revision number (changes  
made together get the same revision number). We update prefs.php.dist  
so that the default value is always current (or we could have a  
special call that returns the current level).

Then on login, we get the user's current level, see if there are any  
tasks after that, and run them.


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