[dev] API Interface Rewrite

Michael M Slusarz slusarz at horde.org
Mon Aug 10 23:53:31 UTC 2009

Quoting Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck at horde.org>:

> Quoting Michael M Slusarz <slusarz at horde.org>:
>> You've convinced me.  It sounds like you have some other plans for  
>> this interface (should the base class be called  
>> Horde_Application_Api? Horde_Application? Horde_Application_Base?  
>> Horde_Registry_App?), but for now would a useful start be to move  
>> those Horde-centric API calls to the new class?  It also sounds  
>> like you would want to call them via something like  
>> Horde_Registry::callAppMethod() (better name suggestions would be  
>> great)?
> I was thinking they'd be methods in Horde's api, and you'd pass the  
> application to them as an argument.

I still am unclear of how the Horde API calls the application's  
function?  And what library/package does this live under?  It doesn't  
seem tremendously useful to have all these API calls defined in a base  
Horde package rather than the packages that use them.

I realize that at some level, there needs to be a place where all  
these calls are documented.  But I think this is better done solely at  
a documentation level - say, a wiki page - rather than defining auth*  
API methods in the Core package simply because we want a single place  
to define all application API calls.


Michael Slusarz [slusarz at horde.org]

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