[dev] WebDAV/CalDAV integration - first questions

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Fri Sep 25 15:33:49 UTC 2009

Quoting Evert Pot <evertpot at gmail.com>:

> Hey guys,
> =Base url=
> I was told the best place to integrate CalDAV, was through rpc.php.
> Looking at that file, it appears it is almost completely based on  
> autodetection.
> I think it's preferable to have a dedicated url for CalDAV support.
> I can either make the base url something like:
> /horde/rpc.php/caldav/
> or:
> /horde/caldav.php/
> Any preferences?
> =Relation to WebDAV=
> I also heard there was a desire to also use SabreDAV as the standard  
> library for the existing WebDAV implementation.
> I'm happy to provide this, and perhaps I should even start off with  
> this; so I can get more familiar with the horde codebase.
> Any opinions about this?
> I will be able to either provide a different endpoint for WebDAV, e.g.:
> /horde/rpc.php/webdav
> /horde/webdav.php
> Or I can combine both the WebDAV and CalDAV directory structure. The  
> latter might be a bit slower, due to the extra hook-ins the  
> CalDAV-related plugins have.

I know Jan likes the auto-detection, but I wonder if different  
endpoints make some sense here. Having a combined endpoint for webdav  
and caldav of [horde-prefix]/dav/ sounds good to me. How does that work?

> =Authentication=
> Most clients seem to prefer HTTP Digest over HTTP Basic. Although  
> HTTP Basic auth is support by virtually any client, many will give  
> warnings if it's not used in combination with SSL.
> I've noticed Horde uses Basic everywhere.
> If you guys want to use Digest, some changes will have to be made in  
> the authentication system to store an extra hash.

I'd be fine with supporting it, but it does require plaintext  
passwords, which is its own risk, and not supported by every backend.


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