[dev] calendar not showing

Michael Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Wed Dec 23 18:49:19 UTC 2009

Quoting Ronan SALMON <rsalmon at mbpgroup.com>:

> Michael Rubinsky <mrubinsk at horde.org> a écrit :
>> Quoting Ronan SALMON <rsalmon at mbpgroup.com>:
>>> hi all,
>>> I've configure kronolith GIT with the default values.
>>> SQL scripts 2009-12-11_fix_column_names.sql and   
>>> 2009-12-03_add_geo.sql  are not included in sql/kronolith.sql.
>> That is correct, that is why they are upgrade scripts ;)
>>> We don't use reminder emails, but according to   
>>> kronolith/docs/INSTALL,  there should be a file   
>>> kronolith/scripts/reminders.php (which doesn't  exist or may be  
>>> not  created yet).
>> Reminders are no longer run from Kronolith directly. There is an   
>> alarms.php script in horde/scripts now.
>>> After logging in, I click on Calendar, see attach screen shot.
>>> I don't see the calendar layout. None of the links (Option, Day,  
>>> +,   Agenda...) work.
>>> When I look at the source code of the web page, I can see that all  
>>>  the  HTML code seams to be there, eg :
>> <snip>
>> Please check the horde and server error log, and look at the actual  
>>  JSON response returned from the various ajax calls such as  
>> ListEvent  in firebug.
>> Just a guess, but did you setup the tagger library?
> If you are referring to the 'content' package, yes,  
> horde/config/registry.php:
> $this->applications['content'] = array(
>     'fileroot' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/../content',
>     'webroot' => $this->applications['horde']['webroot'] . '/content',
>     'status' => 'hidden'
> );
> I don't get any error in Firebug, except when I click on either  
> ('Day', 'Week', 'Month', 'Year', 'Tasks', 'Agenda') :
> $("kronolithNav" + a) is null
> [Break on this error] $('kronolithNav' + a).removeClassName('on');
> kronolith.js:548
> So I deleted the following lines kronolith.js (547-549) :
>         [ 'Day', 'Week', 'Month', 'Year', 'Tasks', 'Agenda'  
> ].each(function(a) {
>             $('kronolithNav' + a).removeClassName('on');
>         });
> And then there was light! kronolith was, at last, appearing completely.
> This is obviously not the expected behaviour, so am I missing something ?
> Once I got kronolith up and running, I got notifications about  
> missing SQL tables. Script not easy to find though :  
> content/test/fixtures/schema.sql
> Once I renamed AUTOINCREMENT -> AUTO_INCREMENT, I was able to run  
> the SQL script.

That script is for unit testing. The proper way to create those tables  
is using the xml schema file in content/data.  There is a utility to  
do this in /horde/framework/admintools: horde-db-updateschema.php.  
This does require MDB2_Schema to be installed, though.

Not the friendliest thing to install...but we are still working out  
how Content fits in with the rest of the applications/framework, so  
please bear with us :)


The Horde Project (www.horde.org)
mrubinsk at horde.org

"Time just hates me. That's why it made me an adult." - Josh Joplin

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