[dev] Fwd: Rebase vs. Merge

Ben Klang ben at alkaloid.net
Wed Jan 13 19:57:07 UTC 2010

On Jan 13, 2010, at 2:46 PM, Michael Rubinsky wrote:

> Quoting Ben Klang <ben at alkaloid.net>:
>> On Jan 13, 2010, at 2:04 PM, Michael M Slusarz wrote:
>>> Quoting Ben Klang <ben at alkaloid.net>:
>>>> I can do a "git pull --rebase" but now I've got changesets from "master" in my local branch:
>>>> $ git status
>>>> # On branch TestBranch
>>>> # Your branch is ahead of 'origin/TestBranch' by 19 commits.
>>>> #
>>>> This is verified by viewing the repository in GitX and seeing duplicate commits from origin/master: 1 each in master and TestBranch.
>>> These duplicate messages are expected.  The commit hashes in TestBranch aren't identical to the hashes in master, since commit hashes are generated based on the tree status.  Since you have altered a file in TestBranch vs. master, the trees are different.  However, git can easily detect that these commits are identical when doing various reports (see, e.g., git cherry).
>>> Preventing reporting of these various commits is precisely what Mike R. was working on in the commit message script this week.
>> I see.  It makes reading the changelog harder because the branch's commits are mixed in with the rebase from master, but I guess we'll just have to live with that for remote branches.
> If you mean the commit messages, that should be dealt with shortly. I modified the post receive hook (the one that sends the email notifications out) on simon to ignore commits in topic branches that are already applied to master...I'm just waiting for some time to test them more thoroughly before I activate them.
Actually, no, I wasn't referring to the commit messages.  I appreciate the work you're doing on that because it will definitely help when we are reading on the mailing list.  However I was referring to the commit history as seen through "git log" or in a viewer like GitX.

Ben Klang
Alkaloid Networks LLC
ben at alkaloid.net

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