[dev] application for secure storing passwords with horde

Andre Pawlowski sqall at h4des.org
Thu Mar 4 12:54:26 UTC 2010

Hi guys,

I was sick of storing my passwords local in an encrypted file and have  
written a Horde application for this. The application is called  
Eleusis. The user can create a passwordstore with a masterpassword.  
With this masterpassword the passwordstore will be encrypted with  
blowfish. So any user can store their passwords online in a secure way.

The application NEVER stores anything unencrypted on the hard disk  
drive of the server and so even forensic tools for recovering files  
will fail when you want to crack the passwordfile.

The application uses php mycrypt for the encryption and works with  
horde 3 (any version).

You can download the project on http://h4des.org/index.php?inhalt=eleusis

Is the horde project interested in this application? Should I store it  
on the horde server?

[] Andre Pawlowski

visit http://h4des.org

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