[dev] [commits] Horde branch master updated. 66468480ef1d7e115c15c3f45ebd83086c1155c7

Michael M Slusarz slusarz at horde.org
Wed May 19 05:25:46 UTC 2010

Quoting Michael M Slusarz <slusarz at horde.org>:

> commit 66468480ef1d7e115c15c3f45ebd83086c1155c7
> Author: Michael M Slusarz <slusarz at curecanti.org>
> Date:   Tue May 18 14:25:17 2010 -0600
>     Remove Core dependency in horde/LoginTasks
>     Framework libs other than Core must contain NO horde dependencies, even
>     if they are optional.
>     For testing: unit tests in the framework libraries should only  
> test whether
>     the code contained in the library works. If we want to test things
>     dependent on Horde (the application), these tests should be in Core.

This is sort of a follow up to my previous post today on H4 roadmap...

So correct me if I am wrong, but I believe the above accurately states  
what we have decided re: framework libraries.  Namely, all packages  
must not have ANY dependency on Core, even if it is optional.  All  
Horde-related dependencies must either be injected to the package at  
run-time or we create a horde/Core specific class that extends the  
library (see, e.g., Horde_Core_Notification_Hordelog,  

And while it is still fresh on my mind... shouldn't we be referring to  
package names in phpdoc as simply 'Package', not 'Horde_Package'?   
i.e., for Core we should have the following:

@category Horde  (category is used as a substitute for channel)
@package  Core

And it would be most correct to refer to this package as Horde/Core  
(or horde/Core) rather than Horde_Core (the latter is simply the name  
of the base class, not the name of the package).


Michael Slusarz [slusarz at horde.org]

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