[dev] help about Forms parameters

Alexis Gendronneau a.gendronneau at gmail.com
Wed Jun 9 13:04:43 UTC 2010


I am currently developping a custom module and i have several conceptual
problems with Horde forms.
I have written my own forms and i would like to pass an array as an hidden
parameter betwen them.

The first form give to users a choice between categories. That choice makes
an action('submit').
The second gives an other choice between values contained in the category
choosen before.

My problem is at this point. I would like to save the last choice et go back
to first step in order to build an array
of choices.

If anyone of you has any clues ?

I hope i was clear about this problem and that my english is not as bad as
it seems to be :)

thx !


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