[dev] "Recipient address does not match the currently selected identity"

Michael M Slusarz slusarz at horde.org
Wed Jul 7 03:26:49 UTC 2010

Quoting Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck at horde.org>:

> I've gotten the error message in the subject (also see attached) a  
> few times with IMP 5 and haven't been able to look into it; finally  
> sending to the list.
> Reproduce roughly as:
> 1. I have an identity for core at horde.org so that I can occasionally  
> reply to messages sent there without revealing my personal email.
> 2. When I try to send an email to core at horde.org from another email  
> address (like my primary personal identity), I get this message.
> I'm not clear what is being checked or what purpose this serves.

Here's what it prevents:

1. Michael sends message to dev at lists (or pick e-mail list) with his  
Default identity (slusarz at curecanti.org).
2. Michael's message is rejected outright by the listserver because  
slusarz at curecanti.org is not a valid address.
3. Michael has to open bounced message, copy and paste contents into  
new message, and send with the proper identity (slusarz at horde.org).

Solution: You either need to tie multiple e-mail addresses to a list  
address, or not tie a list address to any e-mail addresses.


Michael Slusarz [slusarz at horde.org]

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