[dev] Continuous Integration - Hudson / Cruiscontrol

Gunnar Wrobel p at rdus.de
Wed Aug 25 10:16:20 UTC 2010

Quoting Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck at horde.org>:

> Quoting Gunnar Wrobel <p at rdus.de>:
>> Hi!
>> I'm currently experimenting with two continuous integration setups.
>> Hudson currently lives at:
>> http://dev2.pardus.de:8080/
>> And cruisecontrol (phpUnderControl) lives at:
>> http://dev2.pardus.de:2812/cruisecontrol/
>> Both setups are not complete yet and only run
>> framework/bin/test_framework at the moment. The is no reporting
>> beside the analysis of the test results.
>> However Hudson shows a green status since yesterday evening which
>> is an important first milestone for me. I hope we are able to keep
>> it green from now on. I'm not going to activate e-mail
>> notifications (yet). I'll notify you manually if a commit broke the
>> test suite for now.
>> I hope to be able to complete both setups during the next two weeks
>> so that we can take a final decision which one we'd like to use.
>> I'm currently in favor of Hudson and have the impression that it
>> provides all features that phpUnderControl offers. And a lot of
>> stuff beyond that.
>> I'll send further status updates if I complete further parts of the setup
> Thanks for getting this going! I hadn't seen Hudson before, and it
> looks pretty nice - more intuitive to browse than cruisecontrol,
> certainly. How hard is it to set up?
> Definitely keep us posted; I'd love to get whichever system we
> settle on up and running on dev.horde.org.

Okay, I though this would take two weeks and now its four months
later. Anyhow...

I settled on Hudson now. This seems to be the favored solution by many
PHP projects at the moment. After comparing it to phpUnderControl I
can ensure you that it is indeed much easier to handle and way more
flexible. So this is the only solution I would be able to install on
dev.horde.org now.

With the stuff I added to Horde_Element and php-hudson-tools
(http://github.com/wrobel/php-hudson-tools) recently a Hudson based
setup becomes easy.

Would you like me to setup up another demo installation at one of my
servers? Or should I try to get it setup on something *.horde.org?



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