[dev] need a hint on sub-permissions in horde 4

Ralf Lang lang at b1-systems.de
Tue Nov 2 09:24:24 UTC 2010

Hi Michael,

> array(
>      'perm_name' => array(
>          'title' => Perm title
>          'type' => Perm type
>      )
> );
> perm_name can contain sub-keys - these subkeys are separated by colons
> (':').
> There is no 'tree' entry in the config anymore.  The tree variable
> used in the perms code is automatically generated from the perms()
> response.
> michael

thanks for your reply. But isn't this just what I tried in the first place:

        $perms = array(
            'max_blocks' => array(
                'title' => _("Maximum Number of Portal Blocks"),
                'type' => 'int'
            'administration'=> array(
                'title' => _("Administration Permissions"),
                'type' => 'boolean'
            'administration:somesubpermission' => array(
                'title' => _("Permission for XYZ"),
                'type' => 'boolean'
        return $perms;

At least I don't see the difference to your example and in the admin screen No 
sub-permission sign (keyring) turns up behind "administration". I'm a bit lost 
on this.

Ralf Lang

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