[dev] Pass by reference question

Luis Felipe Marzagao/Andamentos lfbm.andamentos at gmail.com
Tue Jan 11 11:32:37 UTC 2011

Em 11/01/11 01:20, Chuck Hagenbuch escreveu:
> Quoting Luis Felipe Marzagao/Andamentos <lfbm.andamentos at gmail.com>:
>> Hello:
>> I'm trying to learn PHP and also the "horde development style", in 
>> order to build a module for my company.
>> Well, maybe this is more of a [beginner] PHP question... anyway, hope 
>> anyone can help.
>> Why in the code below the parameters $vars and $tasklist are passed 
>> by reference (line31)?
>> https://github.com/horde/horde/blob/master/nag/lib/Forms/DeleteTaskList.php 
>> I don't see any of these two variables being changed inside the 
>> method, so is there other reason why they should be passed by 
>> referece? Is it a performance/memory saving issue?
> That's old (PHP 4) style for Horde form. The variables should not, in 
> fact, be passed by reference.
> -chuck
Great, thanks for clarifying!

Luis Felipe

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