[dev] ActiveSync

Michael Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Wed Feb 2 21:37:59 UTC 2011

Quoting Rick Romero <rick at havokmon.com>:

> Hi all,
>  I'm currently playing with ActiveSync, and I've managed to 'add' my device
> (iPad), but I have a couple questions/problems.
>  1. The device shows up as 'not privisioned' - what does that mean?

Provisioning is the process that security policy settings are  
communicated/enforced on the device. Things like e.g, requiring a  
lock-screen/maximum login attempts/remote device wipe requests, all  
require the device to be provisioned.  Some devices support  
provisioning, some do not. The iPad/iPhone/iPod should support this,  
though you have to enable support for provisioning on the server. See  
the ActiveSync configuration tab in Horde, and read  
http://wiki.horde.org/ActiveSync as well.

>  2.  When I try and bring up mail, I always get 'Cannot connect to
> server'.  My backend IMAP server is Dovecot, using Maildir.
>  namespace {
>    inbox = yes
>    location =
>    prefix = INBOX.
>    separator = .
>    type = private

Horde's ActiveSync implementation does not include mail support at  
this time. You should use the device's email application.

>  3. I can't seem to get the Addressbook to sync.  On my account, Horde
> seems to find 73 entries, then loops indefinitely and I can't see anyone on
> the iPad (localsql).  Likely not unrelated, I also am having issues with
> turba in general.  I don't believe I have any major diff between the
> default settings - localsql 'just works'.  I can't make any changes in
> Turba Preferences, even on a brand-new account.  Otherwise everything
> appears fine.

Do you get any errors in the log(s)? Address book entries are pushed  
to the device, IIRC, 25 entries at a time on the i* devices. Android,  
IIRC, requests 5 at a time. For large address books, it can take a  
little bit of time to complete the sync, though you should see *some*  
items start appearing.  That being said, it sounds like you might have  
a database issue to work out. Check the horde/webserver/database logs  
for useful entries.  If no errors appear anywhere, and you are *sure*  
that all necessary database tables are present, you should read the  
above mentioned wiki article for how to provide information to us to  
help you debug the issue.

>  Oddity - when I modify the conf.php for Turba via the web UI, the default
> addressbook has my name in it. :/

Not really sure what you mean by this.

>  4.  Calendar seems to work!  :)
>  I did have issues getting the alias to work in lighttpd -
> alias.url =
> ("/Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync"=>"/var/www/html/horde/rpc.php");
>    I mean, it works, but it doesn't seem to work with ActiveSync, so I'm
> currently just pointing to fqdn/horde/rpc.php

Sorry, you mean it works if you type the  
http://fqdn/Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync in the browser (you get some  
type of error message about not directly accessing the page), but not  
if the device attempts to access it?  That doesn't sound  
right...that's exactly how the device accesses it, via various http  
requests. Are you sure your device isn't trying to access it via  
https, and you don't have https configured?


The Horde Project (www.horde.org)
mrubinsk at horde.org

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