[dev] turba-git prefs

Ronan SALMON rsalmon at mbpgroup.com
Tue Apr 5 07:47:49 UTC 2011


I'm trying to set prefs 'addressbooks' to use backend 'localsql'.

I gave up trying to set this pref through hooks.

Here is my prefs.local.php :
$_prefs['addressbooks']['value'] = json_encode(array('localsql',  
'localldap', 'favourites'));

The backend 'localsql' is configured using default settings (backends.php).

I've deleted all prefs (ie: mysql> delete from horde_prefs;)

When a user logs in, user's private addressbook is never available.

If I login as a user and edit his turba's preferences (address books),  
user's private addressbook is always in the unselected_sources field.

How can I get turba to automatically use/set backend 'localsql' with  
pref 'addressbooks'? What am I doing wrong?


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