[dev] tabindex in login screen

Vilius Šumskas vilius at lnk.lt
Tue Apr 5 14:53:47 UTC 2011

> > I  want  to  propose  the  usage  of  tabindex HTML attribute in login
> > screen   for   better   usability.  I  have  a  patch  ready for years
> > actually  which  makes  a  tab  button  to  prioritize fields like: 1.
> > Username,  2.  Password,  3.  Login button skipping Language and other
> > select menus. What others think about this?
> Not generally opposed... probably bad usability to have tab skip the
> Language field entirely though, no?

It is not completely skipped. It's just 4th or 5th element by priority.

By the way, this is also usefull if someone would modify login screen and add more form elements to it.


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