[dev] License confusion again Re: [commits] Horde branch master updated. e18902266fd2643ba6131fd800d0aa6fb922298c

Michael M Slusarz slusarz at horde.org
Wed Jun 15 16:46:51 UTC 2011

Quoting Ralf Lang <lang at b1-systems.de>:

> Am Mittwoch, 15. Juni 2011, 18:26:56 schrieb Ralf Lang:
>> Am Mittwoch, 15. Juni 2011, 18:21:08 schrieb Jan Schneider:
>> > Zitat von Ralf Lang <lang at b1-systems.de>:
>> > > The branch "master" has been updated.
>> > > The following is a summary of the commits.
>> > >
>> > > from: f9e41422dbf5ecf910292181bb728ccb80e8ad84
>> > >
>> > > e189022 replaced outdated versions of GPL and LGPL which had the
>> > > wrong FSF address included. As per recent discussion on the list, I
>> > > updated to newer license revisions if the pear xml pointed to the
>> > > text of a newer revision than the shipped file
>> >
>> > We did *not* discuss to change the licenses' versions. If the link in
>> > package.xml points to a wrong version, those need to be fixed. We did
>> > *not* update to GPL/LGPL 3.
>> OK please revert.
>> I'll update the links and use an updated version of the GPL/LPGL2 files
>> with the right address.
> BTW to add to the confusion:
> In some cases (library) we do not ship the file anymore but only  
> have the pear
> xml statements "GPL" or "LGPL" and the links either in there or in the source
> code which usually point to the most recent license versions.
> Take for example Horde_Exception.
> No license file shipped.
> The XML says LGPL and points to http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html which
> is version 3.

But it used to be version 2.  Which is exactly why we don't want to  
point to those links anymore.

> Exception.php also links there and points to a file COPYING (not included
> though)
> Now in this case, is it LGPL v3 or v2?

Everything is version 2 AFAIK.  Both GPL and LGPL.  At least for all  
Horde originated code.


Michael Slusarz [slusarz at horde.org]

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