[dev] Horde Perms

Gonçalo Queirós goncalo.queiros at portugalmail.net
Thu Aug 11 20:09:26 UTC 2011

Tracking the issue a bit more, it seems that commit
completely changed the perms behaviour.
With this patch, you can't specify permissions, you will always get the
highest priority that you have among default, user, group and creator.

Gonçalo Queirós

On 08/11/2011 06:41 PM, goncalo.queiros at portugalmail.net wrote:
> Hi there.
>  Started to dedicate some attention to Horde Perms, and there seems to be
> some odd behaviors with it:
>  - If i give to user A permission to kronolith:max_events = 2, he will be
> able to create only 2 events, but every other user won't be able to
> create
> any event.
>  I then give all authenticated users permission to create 5 events,
> and my
> user A will now be able to create 5 events too. Digging the code i saw
> that
> Horde_Perms just returns to Kronolith an array('2', '5'), and then
> Kronolith uses the max of the array.
>  As a user pointed on the IRC, i could add all users to a group, give
> that
> group permissions to create 5 events, and give user A permission to
> create
> 2. While this would probably fix the problem, it doesn't seem right
> because
> every time a user registers i would need to add him to this group.
>  - There seems to be no way to deny the imp:folder_create permission to a
> specific group or user. While i can deny to all authenticated users by
> just
> adding the permission, i don't see any way of denying it to a specific
> user
> or group.
>  Thanks,
>  Gonçalo Queirós

Gonçalo Queirós
Eng. Software
*m.* 913918777

*Portugalmail* | plataformas de inovação
*w.* http://www.portugalmail.net

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