[dev] Sync problem with actual horde from pear and android

Michael J Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Sat Oct 15 21:54:00 UTC 2011

Quoting Sven Richter <sveri80 at googlemail.com>:

> Hi there,
> today i installed the actual horde webmail edition from pear. I set it
> up on my server (ran horde 3 there before) and everything works fine
> so far.
> I can see my mails/mailfolders, imported my contacts and the old  
> calendar data.
> The problem is the active sync with my android. I set up everything
> correct i hope (went through: http://wiki.horde.org/ActiveSync) but no
> matter what i try, i just cannot sync the calendar.
> Contacts seem to work fine, at least i see no error there.
> I recently tried to sync contacts/calendar with zafara and my android,
> via active sync, which worked flawless, so i suspect with the error
> must be on hordes side.
> Attached is the active sync log while i tried to sync the calendar
> (as.log), and the tshark log as shown in the wiki (tshark).
> The only error i get on my android is: An IO-Error occured.
> Greetings
> Sven Richter

The tshark log does not contain any AS communications. It looks like  
you are capturing only between the browser and server? Regardless,  
from looking at your log it appears as though your server-side  
activesync state might be corrupt. Can you try completely emptying all  
the horde_activesync_* tables in your database? You *should* be able  
to do this from within Horde's administrative interface  
(admin->activesync devices) by removing all the activesync pairings.  
If you are able to, please verify they are empty (especially the  
horde_activesync_map table).


The Horde Project (www.horde.org)
mrubinsk at horde.org

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