[dev] best way to change subscribe_url_base to be in https

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Thu Nov 17 11:05:35 UTC 2011

Zitat von LALOT Dominique <dom.lalot at gmail.com>:

> Hello,
> I would like to generate subscribe url in https even if my server is
> working in http mode. What could be the best place to do that?
> Using CAS, we are not transmitting the password so, no need to work in
> https. But when subscription is used or sync, we need to access in https
> mode

This is a bit short-sighted IMO. HTTPS is not to just keep passwords  
from being sent unencrypted, but also to keep privacy of the whole  
That being said, there is no easy way to enable HTTPS for only *some*  
links. You need to hack every single place where you want to deviate  
from the standard setting.


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