[dev] IMP Slow

Maciej Uhlig maciej.uhlig at us.edu.pl
Thu Jan 19 11:52:46 UTC 2012

W dniu 2012-01-19 11:54, Javed Chauhan pisze:
> where is performance doc? can you pleae provide the link?


> Jan Schneider wrote:
>> Zitat von Javed Chauhan <little_heartly at yahoo.co.in>:
>>> my IMP is working very very slow. when i logged in it takes some time and
>>> again if i click inbox then also it will take same time to load my
>>> emails.
>>> If i go to delete 2-3 emails, it is taking more time to delete,
>>> mainly whatever action i do it is taking time to complete this action.
>>> Can you please suggest me anything so it will be faster, like any cache
>>> etc.. so once i logged in it is working fast.
>> Read the PERFORMANCE docs.
>> Jan.
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Maciej Uhlig
kierownik Działu Administracji Sieci i Usług Sieciowych
główny specjalista
Uniwersytet Śląski
ul. Uniwersytecka 4, 40-007 Katowice, tel. 32 359 1768

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