[dev] Rampage and REST API

Ian Roth iron_hat at hotmail.com
Fri Aug 31 15:56:26 UTC 2012

I am really excited about the possibility of Horde applications with RESTful APIs. For an application I am working on, I have a config/routes.php file with $mapper->connect(':controller/:id') and this works great for doing GETs on urls such as <app>/product where there is a file app/controllers/Product.php with a controller class <app>_Product_Controller. However, switching routes.php to $mapper->resource('product', products') gives me a file not found error. I switched the product controller to products as this seemed to be correct from my reading of http://dev.horde.org/routes/manual/restful-services.html but it did not correct the file not found error. I tried to use the route utilities with $mapper->utils->printRoutes() for debugging and an error occurred.

Any help on how to correctly set this up would be greatly appreciated.


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