[dev] [commits] Horde branch imp_6_1 updated. d6b64567a2a42f722b042bd63024919f8f7c95ec

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Mon Feb 25 10:23:17 UTC 2013

Zitat von Michael M Slusarz <slusarz at horde.org>:

> The branch "imp_6_1" has been updated.
> The following is a summary of the commits.
> from: a06ffb5643c6618d650c3035e0c2096a842595da
> d6b6456 Convert shutdown methods to Horde_Queue tasks
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> commit d6b64567a2a42f722b042bd63024919f8f7c95ec
> Author: Michael M Slusarz <slusarz at horde.org>
> Date:   Sun Feb 24 00:51:40 2013 -0700
>     Convert shutdown methods to Horde_Queue tasks
>  imp/lib/Factory/Compose.php     |    6 +++---
>  imp/lib/Factory/Flags.php       |   26 ++++++++++++++------------
>  imp/lib/Factory/Imap.php        |   29 +++++++++++++++++------------
>  imp/lib/Factory/Imaptree.php    |   36 ++++++++++++++++++------------------
>  imp/lib/Factory/Mailbox.php     |   16 ++++++++++------
>  imp/lib/Factory/MailboxList.php |    8 ++++----
>  imp/lib/Factory/Search.php      |   26 ++++++++++++++------------
>  imp/package.xml                 |    7 +++++++
>  8 files changed, 87 insertions(+), 67 deletions(-)
> http://git.horde.org/horde-git/-/commit/d6b64567a2a42f722b042bd63024919f8f7c95ec

This won't work. Queue tasks need to be able to run individually,  
without environment. At the moment all tasks are run by the shutdown  
runner, but this doesn't have to be the case in the future. At least  
in one of the tasks, I see you accessing the current session, that  
isn't guaranteed to exist. At the minimum you need to inject the  
required information into the task objects.
Jan Schneider
The Horde Project

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