[dev] Spam Reporting

Michael Wisniewski wisniewski at mwiz.org
Thu Apr 25 01:46:03 UTC 2013

Quoting Michael Wisniewski <wisniewski at mwiz.org>:

> Quoting Michael J Rubinsky <mrubinsk at horde.org>:
>> Quoting Michael Wisniewski <wisniewski at mwiz.org>> Hi!
>>> I was going through trying to setup the git version and noticed  
>>> that the "Spam Reporting" section in the "Message and Spam"  
>>> configuration within Mail has disappeared.  This is where you can  
>>> set "$conf[spam][program]".  Was this moved elsewhere, has it just  
>>> not been implemented yet, or is there a better way to accomplish  
>>> this?
>>> Thanks!
>>> -- 
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>> imp/docs/UPGRADING

I added the following per the docs...

# cat backends.local.php

$servers['imap']['hordeauth'] = true;

$conf['spam']['spamfolder'] = true;
$conf['spam']['email_format'] = 'digest';
$conf['spam']['program'] = '/usr/bin/sa-learn -u %u --dbpath  
/media/ssd/var/mail/.spamassassin -L --spam';
$conf['spam']['reporting'] = true;
$conf['notspam']['spamfolder'] = true;
$conf['notspam']['email_format'] = 'digest';
$conf['notspam']['program'] = '/usr/bin/sa-learn -u %u --dbpath  
/media/ssd/var/mail/.spamassassin -L --ham';
$conf['notspam']['reporting'] = true;


But the report spam button is not appearing like it did before.  I  
thought there was something else that needed to be done, but can't  
seem to find it.

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