[dev] Using Memcache with the new Horde_HashTable

Michael M Slusarz slusarz at horde.org
Wed May 22 18:06:50 UTC 2013

Quoting Rui Carneiro <rui.carneiro at portugalmail.net>:

> $conf['sessionhandler']['type'] = 'Hashtable';
> $conf['sessionhandler']['hashtable'] = true;

This should be false (although this setting will internally be ignored  
by the factory).  Otherwise you are telling the sessionhandler to  
cache hashtable data... in the hashtable.  Which doesn't make sense.

> $conf['hashtable']['params']['hostspec'] = array('');
> $conf['hashtable']['params']['port'] = array('11211');
> $conf['hashtable']['params']['weight'] = array();
> $conf['hashtable']['params']['persistent'] = false;
> $conf['hashtable']['params']['compression'] = false;
> $conf['hashtable']['params']['large_items'] = true;
> $conf['hashtable']['driver'] = 'Memcache';

This all looks correct.

> Unfortunately i can't authenticate with the new configs and I have
> no useful logs to help me debug this.

You should probably look at the recent changelog commits to HashTable.  
  This one in particular:

* [mms] Actually have HashTable return results for get() and exists().

In other words - you need to either use git or wait for the next beta  


Michael Slusarz [slusarz at horde.org]

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