[dev] Horde_Dav with embedded Sabre_VObject?

Remi Collet remi at fedoraproject.org
Tue Jun 4 11:33:50 UTC 2013

Le 04/06/2013 13:28, Mathieu Parent a écrit :
> 2013/6/3 Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org>:
>> Zitat von Mathieu Parent <math.parent at gmail.com>:
>>> Hi,
>>> The PEAR package Horde_Dav contains file coming from Sabre_VObject
>>> with the same path. As a consequence, those two packages are not
>>> co-installable [1].
>>>  I'm wondering: why is is not a dependency instead?
>> Because SabreDAV is not provided by a PEAR server which is Horde's
>> installation method. That's what you get when you require developers to
>> bundle 3rd-party software.

For memory : https://github.com/fruux/sabre-dav/issues/336

> So as the code is the same, I will replace it by a dependency in the
> Debian package.

Remember code from 1.8.x source is really different from previous
versions (use of namespace).


> Regards
> --
> Mathieu Parent

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