[dev] Changing configuration file format

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Fri Jun 7 09:23:04 UTC 2013

Considering the increasing post to the mailing lists of people having  
problems creating their *.local.php files, we should consider going  
back to a line-oriented configuration file format, like we use in the  
generated conf.php files.
I prefer the current format too, but especially for less experienced  
administrators it's much easier to copy single lines from a  
backends.php file to a backends.local.php file and just change their  
values. Building such a line from the current nested hash structures  
is impossible without at least some PHP knowledge, and still tedious  
even for experienced administrators. This often ends up in users  
copying the complete configuration hash into the *.local.php files  
which is exactly what we *don't* want.

Jan Schneider
The Horde Project

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