[dev] Tables missing

perucondor at perucondor.com perucondor at perucondor.com
Tue Apr 22 20:04:02 UTC 2014


I have install horde/webmail with Pear and after 'create DB schema'  
many tables are missing, all tables horde_xxx when I have other tables  
like imp_xxx, turba_xxx created.

I install on webfaction server like this:

mkdir $HOME/pear
pear config-create $HOME $HOME/.pearrc
pear install -o PEAR
export PATH=$HOME/pear:$PATH
pear channel-discover pear.horde.org
pear install horde/horde_role

pear run-scripts horde/horde_role
pear install -a -B horde/webmail
cd /home/alerta/webapps/horde

cp config/conf.php.dist config/conf.php
echo "include_path=.:/usr/local/share/pear55:/home/alerta/pear/php" > php.ini

Can someone help me please?


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