[dev] About MathML

Michael M Slusarz slusarz at horde.org
Wed Jul 16 17:56:38 UTC 2014

Quoting Zhen Zhang <zhen at zzhang.org>:

> Hi, everyone
> I am trying to customise my horde to add MathML support. Now it can already
> send emails with formulas in MathML format, and the formulas are correctly
> displayed in mail client such as Apple Mail. However, for horde as it
> incorrect filtered the email before displaying, several equations can not
> be displayed. For example ``∑'' are filtered to ``&Sum;",
> ``≈'' are filtered to ``&approx;'' and etc. Is there any easy
> way to fix this?

Please create a ticket at bugs.horde.org and provide a copy of a  
message that doesn't display correctly as an attachment there.

Considering I have never looked at MathML before, that's probably why  
it isn't displaying correctly.  IMP is probably trying to do HTML  
cleaning on it instead of letting the browser do it natively.


Michael Slusarz [slusarz at horde.org]

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