[dev] horde pirum composer repository available?

Ralf Lang lang at b1-systems.de
Fri Jul 18 18:40:37 UTC 2014

On 18.07.2014 19:09, Mathieu Parent wrote:
> 2014-07-17 22:17 GMT+02:00 Ralf Lang <lang at b1-systems.de>:
>> Hi,
> Hello,
>> Does the current pear.horde.org create a composer repository and how can
>> I get its (meta) data?
>> I'm currently retooling and refactoring the horde distribution updater
>> to make it more modular, less suse-specific and possibly more
>> future-oriented.
> Great!
> Do you have any pointer to your tool?
> I'm currently doing a major rewrite of our tool (pkg-php-tools, in
> Debian), to make is handle PEAR and Composer as source and deb and rpm
> as destination (i.e not horde specific).
> It's here:
> http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=pkg-php/pkg-php-tools.git;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/experimental
> The goal is to handle the global installation by using packages.
> Regards

You're far ahead.


This is a rewrite of the perl script we used for maintaining the horde
specfiles. It downloads sources from pear.horde.org, updates changelogs
and version tags (but not requirements) and submits the result to the
OBS system where the actual rpm generation happens.

The develop branch is currently not working as I am changing data
structures. Scope is mostly removing time killing packaging tasks.


This is my freshly added, empty, repository for a composer-centered
project. I toyed around when on train this afternoon, using PHP/Horde
libraries. The idea is to distribute the resulting script as a phar and
use it similar to cpan2spec, gem2spec etc.

Where do you pull changelogs in composer? They don't seem to be part of
the format.

-> How can I get repository read access?

Klone nach 'pkg-php-tools'...
fatal: unable to access
Failed connect to alioth.debian.org:443; Connection refused

Ralf Lang
Linux Consultant / Developer
Tel.: +49-170-6381563
Mail: lang at b1-systems.de
B1 Systems GmbH
Osterfeldstraße 7 / 85088 Vohburg / http://www.b1-systems.de
GF: Ralph Dehner / Unternehmenssitz: Vohburg / AG: Ingolstadt,HRB 3537

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