[dev] Horde slooooow

Sebastian Birnbach birnbacs at gmail.com
Wed May 13 08:05:23 UTC 2015

For those who followed my last message: reinstallation of the mySQL
database was a success. However, I needed to re-define the root user and
any other SQL user I need.

Now, the reason why I wanted to restart the DB in the first was that Horde
was way too slow. It feels faster now but still has a long way to go. Some
observations about it:

1.) other horde installations appear to go slow, too:
http://wiki.horde.org/Doc/Dev/Horde_View took me about 30 seconds to load

2.) listing all user sessions in the console takes in the range of minutes
and shows only stale sessions. In my case, the session time is limited to 1
day (86400 sec) and the 24 sessions I got in the listing were all 4-6 days
old. (Also I am missing a possibility to kill a session)

3.) switching between turba, nag and kronolith takes about 7 seconds each.
During this time, 'top -s1' shows that the machine is mostly idle and the
httpd never eats up more than 3% CPU time, the rest is idle time.

Kind regards


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