[dev] Whups: select "Due Date" without hour and minute

Sebastian Birnbach birnbacs at gmail.com
Wed Sep 30 14:06:47 UTC 2015

In step three of creating a new ticket, a due date can be defined. We use
due dates with a granularity of one day so it is quite tedious to always
have to enter an hour and a minute, too.

I imagine the easiest way to change this is to set a default hour of 0 and
a default minute of 00. Even better would be to display just a date
selector without time selector.

I can see that the variable is set in
whups/lib/Form/Ticket/CreateStepThree.php on line 73:
$this->addVariable(_("Due Date"), 'due', 'datetime', false, false);

>From the Horde_Form class reference I understand that more parameters are
addVariable ($humanName, $varName, $type, $required, $readonly=false,
$description=null, $params=array())

Question: is there a way to make datetime be displayed without hour and
minute via the params() array? In the negative: any chance to set default
values for hour and minute?

Kind regards


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