[dev] contacts/addAddressbook

Michael J Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Thu Oct 29 15:13:56 UTC 2015

Quoting Lukas Weiss <lukas.weiss at raiffeisen.it>:

> Am 29.10.2015 um 15:31 schrieb Michael J Rubinsky:
>> Quoting Lukas Weiss <lukas.weiss at raiffeisen.it>:
>>> Am 28.10.2015 um 14:33 schrieb Michael J Rubinsky:
>>>> Quoting Lukas Weiss <lukas.weiss at raiffeisen.it>:
>>>>> Am 27.10.2015 um 17:46 schrieb Michael J Rubinsky:
>>>>>> Quoting Lukas Weiss <lukas.weiss at raiffeisen.it>:
>>>>>>> Am 27.10.2015 um 13:50 schrieb Andy Dorman:
>>>>>>>> On 10/27/2015 02:31 AM, Lukas Weiss wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>> I wanted to create a new address book with the contacts API.
>>>>>>>>> $registry->call(
>>>>>>>>>  'contacts/addAddressbook',
>>>>>>>>>  array(
>>>>>>>>>      'name' => 'New Addressbook'
>>>>>>>>>  )
>>>>>>>>> );
>>>>>>>>> With this call, the address book is created, but unfortunately it
>>>>>>>>> can't
>>>>>>>>> be selected by the user.
>>>>>>>>> In  the database, the new address book has no attribute_params
>>>>>>>>> (NULL).
>>>>>>>>> The address books created by the user have attribute_params like
>>>>>>>>> this:
>>>>>>>>> a:2:{s:6:"source";s:8:"localsql";s:4:"name";s:23:"5nR0Q0rhlkzNzGn0KhZ8AeI";}
>>>>>>>>> By adding this params to the address book created with the API, the
>>>>>>>>> address book can be selected.
>>>>>>>>> Is this a bug or is there anything i forgot to do?
>>>>>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>>>>> I may be wrong as I have never used the contacts API, but is it
>>>>>>>> possible
>>>>>>>> you still need to set the params in turba's backends.local.php?
>>>>>>>> Read the docs and examples in turba's backends.php file to see how
>>>>>>>> to do
>>>>>>>> it.
>>>>>>> I think the backends.local.php is configured correctly since
>>>>>>> everything is working fine using the Horde frontend (I can create and
>>>>>>> remove address books in Turba and add new contacts).
>>>>>>> In Turba frontend I see also the address books created with the API,
>>>>>>> but when I select one of these, I am redirected to the default
>>>>>>> address
>>>>>>> book.
>>>>>>> Maybe this info is useful:
>>>>>>> With the contacts API I get all the address books created in Horde
>>>>>>> fronted by calling contacts/sources, but I do not receive the ones
>>>>>>> created with contacts/addAddressbook.
>>>>>>> However, with contact/listShares i really get all address books (even
>>>>>>> the ones created by the API call).
>>>>>> What version of Horde/Turba? Git/PEAR?
>>>>> I am using PEAR
>>>>> Horde 5.2.7
>>>>> Turba 4.2.8
>>>> I cannot reproduce. Is the user authenticated to Horde when you run the
>>>> api call?
>>> Just to try I put this code into turba/index.php right after the appInit:
>>> $GLOBALS['registry']->call(
>>>    'contacts/addAddressbook',
>>>    array(
>>>        'name' => 'testAddressbook'
>>>    )
>>> );
>>> The address book is created and I see it in the list, but I can't
>>> select or remove it.
>> What share backend are you using?
>>> --
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> i am using mysql

Still cannot reproduce. You are going to need to find out why the  
share ids are not being created. Start looking in  
Turba_Api::addAddressbook and look to see why $share_name is not being  
honored when passed to Turba::createShare.

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