[dev] contacts/addAddressbook

Thomas Jarosch thomas.jarosch at intra2net.com
Thu Oct 29 19:53:41 UTC 2015

Hi Lukas,

>> Am 29.10.2015 um 16:20 schrieb Lukas Weiss:
>> Still cannot reproduce. You are going to need to find out why the share
>> ids are not being created. Start looking in Turba_Api::addAddressbook
>> and look to see why $share_name is not being honored when passed to
>> Turba::createShare.
> Ok, thanks. I will have a look.

instrumenting the code path with debug loggers might help.

Here's what I do:

    Horde::log(sprintf("INTRA2NET: imap_status %s", print_r($imap_status, true)), 'ERR');

Just use any PREFIX you can easily grep for in the horde.log


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