[dev] S/MIME icon in IMP mailbox window

Joseph Naegele jnaegele at grierforensics.com
Thu Nov 3 15:55:38 UTC 2016

Quoting Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org>:

> Please don't top-post.
> Zitat von Joseph Naegele <jnaegele at grierforensics.com>:
>> On 10/26/16 10:23 AM, Michael J Rubinsky wrote:
>>> Quoting Joseph Naegele <jnaegele at grierforensics.com>:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> I'm interested in adding icons for (S/MIME) encrypted/signed
>>>> messages in IMP's mailbox view. I'm picturing something like
>>>> Outlook, which displays a gold "lock" icon for encrypted messages
>>>> and a red ribbon for signed messages. I'm particularly interested in
>>>> updating Dynamic (DIMP?), which appears to be more difficult to
>>>> modify than Basic. Is this feasible? I've modified the UI to add a
>>>> new column between Subject and Date, but once I started digging into
>>>> the AJAX for populating rows I quickly found myself lost.
>>> IMP already displays a lock icon for signed and/or encrypted messages
>>> - at least in any recent version. In general though, if you want to
>>> alter or add columns to the mailbox view, you would use a hook to do
>>> this. See imp/config/hooks.php.dist for instructions.
>> Thanks Mike,
>> I'm using Horde 5.2.12 and IMP 6.2.16, but I don't see the icons in  
>> the mailbox. I've also changed the colors associated with the  
>> "Message is Encrypted" and "Message is Signed" Flags in Mail  
>> Preferences but I still don't see the lock icon or highlighting  
>> color for S/MIME messages in the mailbox. When I open the  
>> message(s) I'm informed that it was encrypted via S/MIME and  
>> signed/verified via S/MIME, and I can read the decrypted plaintext.  
>> Is there anything else I need to configure?
> Then your IMAP server doesn't report back the message structure correctly.
> -- 
> Jan Schneider
> The Horde Project
> http://www.horde.org/
> -- 
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Thanks Jan. My IMAP server reports the message structure correctly. I  
needed to enable the Mailbox Display preference for indicating whether  
attachments exist in a message. In retrospect this makes sense if one  
fully understands MIME multipart, but otherwise it's not very intuitive.

For reference: I found the solution by tracing the matching of System  
Flags until I ultimately discovered that the 'atc_flag' preference is  
required to enable extraction of the Content-Type header from each  
message in the Mailbox.

Joe Naegele

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