[dev] Ajax on Horde

Sebastian Birnbach birnbacs at gmail.com
Wed Oct 11 07:33:50 UTC 2017

Not much is known about Horde's way to do Ajax. The doc on
https://wiki.horde.org/Doc/Dev/HordeAjaxApplications seems to be a bit
wobbly and is at least partly outdated.

I seek to understand the very basic exchange of information between a
client side document and a server side class. Looking into Horde is often
like looking into a live organism: too many things going on at the same
time to understand an isolated feature.

On my own I came about this far:

* <app> registers an Ajax handler in <app>/lib/Ajax/Application.php:
class IMP_Ajax_Application extends Horde_Core_Ajax_Application{

* <app>/lib/Some/Path/To/Class.php defines the processing code:
class IMP_Ajax_Application_Handler_Draft extends
 public function foo() {return "hello world"}

* <app>/js/<app>.js defines a variable that contains a function that
eventually calls doAction(action, params, opts)
[this bit is unclear to me]

* on the client side, based on some event, call that function so that
doAction() gets triggered

* a request will be sent to Horde Core which distributes it back to the
registered class to process and return its response

* now, the response should be passed on to some callback function in the
<app>.js file, I suppose

Could somebody please shed some light on this?



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