[dev] [commits] [Wiki] changed: Doc/Dev/HordeAjaxApplications/Example

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Sun May 27 16:38:11 UTC 2018

It's indeed a boilerplate, a how-to-create-a-horde-application. For me  
this includes an (optional) ajax interface, so developers should get a  
starting point, including best practices, if they want to start a  
horde application from scratch, whether it has an ajax or traditional  

Zitat von Ralf Lang <lang at b1-systems.de>:

> It depends on how we perceive skeleton.
> I mostly use it as a startup boilerplate, to be mass-renamed by the
> app-generation command in git-tools. For this very reason I created a
> more comprehensive SPA example, boneyard, to show how the bits work
> together. It's mostly distilled from hermes and kronolith dynamic view.
> It's a matter of "management decision" if we should have the ajaxy stuff
> in our default application template. I understand traditional view is
> being deprecated in H6 so this might make sense.
> Am 27.05.2018 um 15:02 schrieb Jan Schneider:
>> Shouldn't we put this as an example right into Skeleton?
>> Zitat von Ralf Lang (B1 Systems GmbH) <lang at b1-systems.de>:
>>> rlang  Wed, 23 May 2018 06:24:59 +0000
>>> Modified page:
>>> https://wiki.horde.org/Doc/Dev/HordeAjaxApplications/Example
>>> New Revision:  5
>>> Change log:  Marc Unger's new howto
>>> @@ -1,4 +1,97 @@
>>> +++ Ajax Example using the skeleton App:
>>> +
>>> +This example uses the skeleton app to create an ajax function
>>> "helloAjax". This function takes a string as argument and returns a
>>> new string saying "Hello $string".
>>> +
>>> +1. Create the Ajax Handler Class:
>>> +- Create the Application folder:
>>> +# cd skeleton/lib/Ajax
>>> +# mkdir Application
>>> +
>>> +- Create a new file named "Handler.php" inside the
>>> skeleton/lib/Ajax/Application folder.
>>> +The Handler.php will contain the Skeleton_Ajax_Application_Handler
>>> Class.
>>> +Add the following content to this file:
>>> +------
>>> +<code>
>>> +<?php
>>> +
>>> +class Skeleton_Ajax_Application_Handler extends
>>> Horde_Core_Ajax_Application_Handler {
>>> +
>>> +    public function helloAjax() {
>>> +        $data = $this->vars->name;
>>> +        $answer = 'Hello ' . $data;
>>> +        return $answer;
>>> +    }
>>> +}
>>> +------
>>> +</code>
>>> +The argument of the helloAjax function is called "name".
>>> +To access the arguments you have to call
>>> "$this->vars->NAME_OF_THE_ARGUMENT".
>>> +In this example we store the value of "name" in a variable $data:
>>> +$data = $this->vars->name;
>>> +Then we create a new string saying "Hello $data" and return this new
>>> string.
>>> +
>>> +2. Load the Skeleton_Ajax_Application_Handler Class:
>>> +Open the skeleton/lib/Ajax/Application.php file and add the
>>> following line to the _init() function:
>>> +------
>>> +$this->addHandler('Skeleton_Ajax_Application_Handler');
>>> +------
>>> +
>>> +
>>> +3. Call the helloAjax function via javascript:
>>> +- Create the skeleton/js folder:
>>> +# cd skeleton
>>> +# mkdir js
>>> +
>>> +- Create the skeleton/js/skeleton.js file with the following content:
>>> +------
>>> +SkeletonCore = {
>>> +
>>> +    onDomLoad: function()
>>> +    {
>>> +        var myName = 'Foobar';
>>> +        HordeCore.doAction('helloAjax', {name:
>>> Object.toJSON(myName)}, {callback: function(result) {
>>> +            console.log('Ajax answer: ' + result);
>>> +        }});
>>> +    }
>>> +
>>> +}
>>> +document.observe('dom:loaded',
>>> SkeletonCore.onDomLoad.bind(SkeletonCore));
>>> +------
>>> +
>>> +The "myName" variable holds the string we want to send to the
>>> helloAjax funtion.
>>> +The helloAjax function is called by "HordeCore.doAction".
>>> +HordeCore.doAction takes three arguments:
>>> +1). Name of the Ajax function:
>>> +the helloAjax function we created in step 1.
>>> +
>>> +2). Argument list (in json format) of the Ajax function:
>>> +the "name" argument we accessed in step 1 via "$this->vars->name".
>>> +
>>> +3). A callback function to access the returned data of the Ajax
>>> function:
>>> +the "result" variable holds the "Hello $data" string we returned in
>>> step 1.
>>> +
>>> +Inside the callback we print the content of the "result" variable
>>> (Hello foobar) to the browser console.
>>> +
>>> +
>>> +4. Load the skeleton.js file.
>>> +Open the skeleton/list.php file and add the following line after
>>> "$page_output->addScriptFile('tables.js', 'horde');":
>>> +------
>>> +<code>
>>> +$page_output->addScriptFile('skeleton.js');
>>> +</code>
>>> +------
>>> +
>>> +5. Test if everything works:
>>> +Access the skeleton app in your browser and open the console. If
>>> everything worked you'll see the following message: Ajax answer:
>>> Hello Foobar
>>> +
>>> +
>>> +
>>> +++ Pre git split
>>> +
>>> +*This below is outdated information. Use the horde git-tool command
>>> to create a new module*
>>> +
>>> +
>>>  Boneyard - an example of a dynamic "skeleton".
>>>  In this article, I will show you some minimal setup for a "horde5
>>> dynamic view" application as demonstrated by hermes time tracking and
>>> kronolith calendar

Jan Schneider
The Horde Project

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