[dev] Implicit conversion of mysql TIMESTAMP type to Horde_Date

Ralf Lang lang at b1-systems.de
Mon Jan 7 17:03:43 UTC 2019

Am 07.01.19 um 16:25 schrieb Ralf Lang:
> Hi,
> I am currently a little puzzled by either Horde_Db or Horde_Rdo
> implicitly converting TIMESTAMP db fields to Horde_Date values.
> Unfortunately, it has the wrong idea about the timezone of TIMESTAMP.
> A timestamp stored as 2018-05-16 04:00:00 is returned as 2018-05-16
> 04:00:00 Europe/Berlin.
> The database time_zone is SYSTEM. The system timezone is UTC.
> To understand the issue better, I'd rather turn off the automatic
> conversion and do the conversion to Horde_Date manually. Is there any
> config for Horde_Db to govern this?

Looks like it's this line:

For a hotfix in my local issue, I may overload mapFields (60 loc) in the
derived Mapper. Still, I think assuming the backend data is always in
the frontend's default timezone might not always be right.

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