[dev] [BC Break Discussion] Hot Fixing Horde_Rpc php7 compat

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Thu Mar 12 18:54:56 UTC 2020

Zitat von Ralf Lang <lang at b1-systems.de>:

> Hi,
> I'd like to hot fix Horde_Rpc for php7 compatible function prototypes.
> The main issue is Horde_Rpc_Drivers being based on Horde_Rpc but having
> distinct function signatures.
> I want to solve this by breaking the inheritance. I think this is OK
> because Horde_RPC is mostly composed of static public functions and
> nothing in Horde Framework, not even in the unmaintained/alpha apps,
> relies on Horde_Rdo_Foo being a subtype of Horde_Rdo.
> For convenience I would add an interface covering the methods where it
> makes sense. Mostly to all the drivers so whatever 3rd party code relies
> on them sharing some type can be easily fixed.
> Questions:
> Any chance this would get accepted as a kind of backport in Horde 5?
> Strictly it's a BC break but it won't create any visible issues.
> As Horde Base won't run correctly without Horde_Rpc being installed, I
> assume I cannot use traits but need some other means of code sharing.
> I see this as a hot fix as my general idea for horde 6 is abandoning
> Horde_Rpc and refactoring the drivers to use the Horde_Controller/Routes
> framework. I already invested some work into this, mostly for RESTish stuff.

This is annoying, but a not a show stopper for using it with PHP 7  
because it only emits a warning. We can fix this properly or replace  
it with something better with the next major BC breaking release.

Jan Schneider
The Horde Project

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