[dev] components app converted to PSR-4 (mostly) - want feedback

Ralf Lang lang at b1-systems.de
Fri Oct 16 14:05:41 UTC 2020



I updated the components app to PSR-4. Mostly I wanted to see if it
works out as desired and get feedback if anything is creating issues or
other devs don't like it. This had very limited testing and I expect to
find more oversights, but I think I have seen most types of conversion
issues by now. I'd like to merge this once I have fixed Horde_Test and
components' test suite.

see PR for details.


    Converted to PSR-4 code


    Dropped conductor from the code base as pear handling does not
    require it any more


    Added capability to write psr-4 autoloader config into composer.json
    if horde yml asks for it


    tested actions are qc, changed, composer, update


    Unit tests have not yet been touched and most likely are broken.
    This needs a PSR-4 aware Horde_Test to make work.

This has only been tested with the composer based setup. Most likely a
git-tools based setup won't work with it. I am not sure if we find that
important at this point.

I think this should be improved until the qc command can run component's
own unit tests before merging.

Conversion strategy:

  * PSR-4 code lives in src/
  * Only few parameter type hints were added or fixed. This should be
    the focus of a second, separate refactoring pass
  * NULL changed to void
  * Some shim code for PSR-0 class names expected by by git-tools is
    provided in lib/
  * Injector registers both fully qualified name
    Horde\Components\Foo\Bar and shorthand Foo\Bar. The first is for
    autowiring, the second is for convenient use in injector->getInstance
  * I prefer explicitly calling un-namespaced classes as \Horde_Class
    rather than "use"ing them to import them into the namespace.
  * Where the actual class name is ambiguous or misleading, I have used
    the convention to just prepend the last part of the namespace, i.e.
    use Horde\Components\Pear\Environment as PearEnvironment. I did this
    without any thought if reversing the order might be more natural.
    Let's discuss and decide. Example:

use Horde\Components\Component\Factory as ComponentFactory;
use Horde\Components\Config;
use Horde\Components\Config\Bootstrap as ConfigBootstrap;
use Horde\Components\Dependencies;
use Horde\Components\Output;
use Horde\Components\Release\Tasks as ReleaseTasks;
use Horde\Components\Runner\Change as RunnerChange;
use Horde\Components\Runner\CiDistribute as RunnerDistribute;
use Horde\Components\Runner\CiPrebuild as RunnerCiPrebuild;
use Horde\Components\Runner\CiSetup as RunnerCiSetup;
use Horde\Components\Runner\Composer as RunnerComposer;
use Horde\Components\Runner\Dependencies as RunnerDependencies;
use Horde\Components\Runner\FetchDocs as RunnerFetchDocs;
use Horde\Components\Runner\Installer as RunnerInstaller;
use Horde\Components\Runner\Qc as RunnerQc;
use Horde\Components\Runner\Release as RunnerRelease;
use Horde\Components\Runner\Snapshot as RunnerSnapshot;
use Horde\Components\Runner\Update as RunnerUpdate;
use Horde\Components\Runner\WebDocs as RunnerWebDocs;

In most cases, I kept the directory structure and adopted it for
namespace and class names. In few cases, I opted put for obvious
reasons. No Trait should be named ...\Trait and the Components class is
Horde\Components\Components as PSR asks to have at least two levels

See https://github.com/maintaina-com/components/tree/maintaina-bare-psr4
for a branch without updated metadata, easy for upstreaming, low chance
of conflict

See https://github.com/maintaina-com/components/tree/psr4-composerfixed
for a branch with updated metadata, composer.json, changelog,
package.xml, high chance of merge conflicts as soon as anybody does
anything upstream. Use the latter version to test against the
horde-deployment/composer based installation.

Ralf Lang
Linux Consultant / Developer
Tel.: +49-170-6381563
Mail: lang at b1-systems.de
B1 Systems GmbH
Osterfeldstraße 7 / 85088 Vohburg / http://www.b1-systems.de
GF: Ralph Dehner / Unternehmenssitz: Vohburg / AG: Ingolstadt,HRB 3537

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