[dev] Status of development??

J.M. Stoorvogel jmstoorvogel at stoorvogelsoftware.nl
Tue Feb 4 10:25:52 UTC 2025


I'm a long time Horde user, self employed software developer and  
hoster and I really love Horde.

A few years ago cPanel dropped Horde support, which made me realise  
how much I appreciate Horde and recently they also dropped  
ActiveSync/Z-push support.

So I've been trying to install the latest Horde 6.0.0alpha6 on a  
cPanel server. It's very easy to change PHP versions, I can choose  
between 7.2 and 8.4.

I've been plagued by PHP (>= 8.0) being in a identity crisis going  
from weakly typed language to less weakly typed language, but with  
debug logs, grep and Vi I've come a long way so that Horde is starting  
to look pretty good and stable.

I haven't been able to find a good manual on howto setup a good  
development environment from which I can make changes, commit, etc.

So a little help on that would be welcome. I'm familiar with Git, I've  
done lots of developent using Delphi/Pascal and many years C and C++ a  
a few other languages. My background is mathematics and computer  

So are there still active developers?

The product is a beauty imho, can't stand RoundCube.

Anyway, I'm ready to get my hands dirty, need to get ActiveSync operational.

Met vriendelijke groet,

J.M. Stoorvogel

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