[doc] Bug in docs/INSTALL

Jürgen Dankoweit Juergen.Dankoweit at T-Online.de
Sun Jul 13 07:32:26 UTC 2014

Am 13.07.2014 09:09, schrieb Ralf Lang:
> On 12.07.2014 21:05, Jürgen Dankoweit wrote:
>> Hello to the list,
>> in the document docs/INSTALL is a very annoying bug. Look at
>> "4. Creating databases
>> Alternatively you can run the ``bin/horde-db-migrate`` script in the
>> Horde directory from the command line."
>> The folder "bin" does not exist in Horde 5.1.4. After reinstalling the
>> package several times and spending hours with searching in the whole
>> internet I found out that this must be either /usr/bin/horde-db-migrate
>> (Linux) or /usr/local/bin/horde-db-migrate on FreeBSD systems.
>> Please correct this.
>> Many thanks and best regards
>> Juergen
> Well that depends. This folder is installed to php_bin_dir which can be
> /usr/bin/ or anything else depending on your system configuration.

You are partly correct. But there is no hint in the document that
php_bin_dir is meant. Only insider know this or people who walk through
the source code. But a normal user or adminstrator find this only after
spending a long time with searching in the internet.

I thinks this should be a great problem to give a hint where to find the
script. Suggestion:

"Alternatively you can run the ``${PREFIX}/bin/horde-db-migrate`` script
from the command line"

"Alternatively you can run the ``bin/horde-db-migrate`` script in the
same directory as the php interpreter (which php) from the command line"

Only a few words of improvemnet :)

Best regards


PS: Do you mean "php_bin_dir" or "php_bindir" or "PHP_BINDIR"?

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Jürgen Dankoweit
Homepage: www.dankoweit.de

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