[doc] [imp] docs (was: RE: [imp] Japanese character support)

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck@horde.org
Mon, 27 Aug 2001 20:29:06 -0400

Quoting Daniel Wyss <Daniel.Wyss@colorado.edu>:

> Sure, what steps do I need to take to contribute this to the doc
> project?

Well, unfortunately, that's not terribly well defined. We want as an end goal 
to have a set of docs, both user and admin, for 2.3, in Docbook format. What 
formats do you have the docs in? Are you willing to help us update them to 
apply to 2.3?


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
Some fallen angels have their good reasons.

>From zrahman@partex.net Date: Fri,  5 Oct 2001 19:08:56 -0600
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Subject: NSTALL document and wvHtml installation.


I just installed the external binaries for IMP. I followed the INSTALL document
thoroughly, but when I finished installing the pre-requisites for the wvHtml
package (i.e. ImageMagick) I couldn't find the documentation for installing the
wvHtml itself. I searched the whole document to be sure and coudn't find it. As
it is a CVS version of the document, I guess who wrote the INSTALL document
missed the wvHtml package installation part after the pre-requisite part. So, I
had to find out the steps. I am including the steps that I took to install the
wvHtml package with the pre-requisites:

Install wvHtml:

Untar the source: tar -zxvf wv*

"cd" to the source directory: cd wv*


./configure --with-png=../libpng-<your version> --with-libwmf=../lib-<your
verion> --with-agick=../ImageMagick-<your version>
make install


Ziaur Rahman
Dhakacom Limited

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